WebAssembly (Wasm): Fixing the Flaws of Applets

WebAssembly feels like another attempt to bring fully desktop functionality to the web. Where Java applets and flash once failed, maybe WebAssembly has a change of succeeding

Java applets were once at the forefront of web interactivity, offering rich user experiences and interactive content. However, over time, applets started to show their limitations, including security vulnerabilities and plugin dependencies. WebAssembly (Wasm) emerged as a modern solution, addressing the flaws of applets and revolutionizing web development. In this article, we will explore how Wasm fixes the flaws of applets, providing enhanced security, performance, and compatibility.

WebAssembly logo

Improved Security

Applets were notorious for their security vulnerabilities, which led to frequent updates and patches. Wasm, on the other hand, operates within a secure sandboxed environment. It utilizes a strict security model that isolates the code execution from the underlying system, preventing unauthorized access and potential security breaches. Wasm's design ensures that only validated and trusted code is executed, providing a robust security foundation for web applications.

Elimination of Plugin Dependency

Applets relied on browser plugins, which introduced additional dependencies and compatibility issues. As browser vendors gradually phased out support for plugins, applets lost their relevance. Wasm, however, does not require any plugins. It is natively supported by major web browsers, making it accessible across a wide range of platforms and eliminating the need for users to install additional software. This compatibility ensures a consistent experience for users and reduces the barriers to adopting Wasm-based applications.

Java applet

Performance Optimization

While applets offered interactivity, their performance was sometimes subpar, especially for computationally intensive tasks. Wasm addresses this limitation by providing near-native performance. Wasm code is compiled into low-level bytecode that can be executed directly by the browser's JavaScript engine. This eliminates the need for interpretation and enables efficient execution, resulting in faster and more responsive web applications. With Wasm, developers can harness the power of languages like C++, Rust, and others, leveraging their performance benefits without sacrificing portability.

WebAssembly game

Language Flexibility and Ecosystem

Applets were limited to the Java programming language and its associated ecosystem. Wasm, on the other hand, supports multiple languages, allowing developers to choose the language they are most proficient in. This flexibility opens up a vast ecosystem of languages, libraries, and tools that developers can utilize. They can leverage existing codebases written in different languages, seamlessly integrate with JavaScript, and tap into the vibrant web development community. Wasm's language flexibility empowers developers to work with their preferred tools and technologies, promoting productivity and code reuse.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Applets were initially designed to offer cross-platform compatibility, but as technology evolved, maintaining compatibility became challenging. Wasm addresses this issue by providing consistent execution across different platforms and browsers. Wasm binaries are platform-independent and can run on desktops, mobile devices, and even embedded systems. This compatibility ensures that Wasm-based applications can reach a wide range of users, regardless of their choice of operating system or device.


WebAssembly has emerged as a powerful alternative to Java applets, fixing many of the flaws that plagued applet-based web development. Wasm offers enhanced security, eliminates plugin dependencies, delivers superior performance, provides language flexibility, and ensures cross-platform compatibility. Its adoption by major browsers and its growing ecosystem make Wasm a future-proof choice for building interactive, high-performance web applications. By learning from the limitations of applets, Wasm has paved the way for a new era of web development, enabling developers to create robust, secure, and engaging experiences for users worldwide.

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