How to use the visual mode in vim
The Vim editor provides a powerful feature known as visual mode, which allows users to select and manipulate text in a more interactive and precise manner.
In visual mode, users can easily highlight text by moving the cursor or using motion commands. This mode offers three variations: character-wise, line-wise, and block-wise visual modes. Character-wise visual mode selects text character by character, line-wise visual mode selects whole lines, and block-wise visual mode selects rectangular blocks of text. Once text is selected, various operations can be performed, such as copying, cutting, pasting, or applying commands to the selected text. Vim's visual mode offers a flexible and efficient way to manipulate and edit text, making it a valuable tool for users seeking fine-grained control over their editing tasks.
Visual Line Mode
The visual line mode is a versatile feature that allows users to select and manipulate entire lines of text in a convenient and efficient manner. By entering visual line mode, users can easily highlight one or multiple lines by moving the cursor or using motion commands. This mode provides a visual representation of the selected lines, making it easier to perform operations on a larger scale. Once lines are selected, various actions can be applied, such as copying, cutting, pasting, or applying commands to the selected lines. Visual line mode is particularly useful for editing tasks that involve modifying or rearranging blocks of code, making it a valuable tool for developers. With the visual line mode in Vim, users have fine-grained control over their editing operations, enhancing their productivity and providing a seamless editing experience.
Visual Column Mode
Visual Object Selection
- vi{: select code between curly braces
- vip: select paragraph
- vw: select word
- vt<char>: select till character