How to query Outlook from PowerShell
Harnessing PowerShell to Query Outlook: A Productivity Boost for Your Inbox
In the digital age, email has become an indispensable communication tool. For
many professionals, Microsoft Outlook serves as the go-to platform for
managing emails, calendars, and contacts. While Outlook provides a
user-friendly interface, extracting specific information or automating tasks
can be time-consuming. In this article, we'll explore the power of PowerShell
and how you can leverage it to write a script that queries Outlook, boosting
productivity and streamlining your inbox management.
The Power of PowerShell
PowerShell is a versatile scripting language and automation framework
developed by Microsoft. It is a core component of the Windows operating
system and provides a rich set of commands to interact with various services
and applications. When it comes to Outlook, PowerShell enables you to
perform complex operations and obtain valuable insights with just a few
lines of code.
Why Query Outlook from PowerShell?
Querying Outlook through PowerShell offers numerous benefits, including:
Automation: PowerShell scripts can automate repetitive tasks in
Outlook, such as organizing emails, forwarding messages, or creating
calendar events, saving valuable time and effort.
Customization: The ability to query Outlook allows you to tailor
your email management system according to your specific needs, ensuring an
efficient workflow.
Data Analysis: PowerShell can extract and process email data,
enabling you to perform analytics and gain insights into your
communication patterns.
Integration: By combining PowerShell with other tools and systems,
you can create powerful cross-platform automation solutions.
Writing a PowerShell Script to Query Outlook
The following SearchOutlook.ps1 script allows you to query emails
from the inbox folder in Outlook using multiple optional arguments:
Text: string contained in the body of the emails.
Subject: string contained in the subject of the emails.
From: sender of the emails.
DateReceived: reception date of the oldest emails that can be included
in the result of the query.
$OfficeAssemblyFile = (get-childitem $env:windir\assembly -Recurse office.dll | Select-Object -first 1).FullName
$OutlookAssemblyFile = (get-childitem $env:windir\assembly -Recurse Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll | Select-Object -first 1).FullName
Add-Type -Path $OfficeAssemblyFile
Add-Type -Path $OutlookAssemblyFile
$outlook = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.ApplicationClass]::new()
$namespace = $outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI");
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $outlook -EventName AdvancedSearchComplete -Action {
write-host `n $Args.Scope
if ($Args.Results) {
foreach ($result in $Args.Results) {
write-host $result.ReceivedTime "|" $result.SenderName "|" $result.Subject
Get-Job | Stop-Job
Get-Job | Remove-Job
Function AddFilter {
param (
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($filter) -eq $false){
$filter += " AND "
$filter += $newFilter
return $filter
Function SearchOutlook {
param (
[string]$Text = $null,
[string]$Subject = $null,
[string]$From = $null,
[string]$DateReceived = $null
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Text) -eq $false){
$newFilter = "urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription LIKE '%"+$Text+"%'"
$filter = AddFilter $filter $newFilter
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Subject) -eq $false){
$newFilter = "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject LIKE '%"+$Subject+"%'"
$filter = AddFilter $filter $newFilter
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($From) -eq $false){
$newFilter = "urn:schemas:httpmail:sender LIKE '%"+$From+"%'"
$filter = AddFilter $filter $newFilter
if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($DateReceived) -eq $false){
$datareceived = Get-Date $DateReceived
$newFilter = "urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived >= '"+$datareceived+"'"
$filter = AddFilter $filter $newFilter
$accountsList = $namespace.GetDefaultFolder([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders]::olFolderInbox)
$searchSubFolders = $True
foreach($account in $accountsList) {
$scope = $account.FolderPath
$search = $outlook.AdvancedSearch("'$scope'", $filter, $searchSubFolders)
SearchOutlook @args
This script uses the publish/subscribe mechanism of the PowerShell jobs. It is
run in an independent asynchronous job, so that you can continue doing other
things. And when the query finishes, it prints out the results.
Wrapping the script in a batch file
Similarly to the technique shown in the article How to use the Windows Search Index from PowerShell, we can create a batch file that will allow us to run the SearchOutlook.ps1
script from the Windows Run dialog. That way, we can quickly look for emails
containing a specific text with a fast key combination.
We can create the following search-outlook.bat script as a wrapper of the
SearchOutlook.ps1 script:
@echo off
Rem Description: Search email with specified text in Outlook Inbox
Rem Usage: search-outlook.bat <string>
Rem Example: search-outlook.bat SCCF
set cmd="SearchOutlook.ps1 -Text '%*'"
echo %cmd%
PowerShell -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command %cmd%
Once we have it ready, it is just a matter of adding its location to the Path
environment variable. And then, we could just run it pressing Win+R and typing
the text that we want to search in our emails.
Windows Run dialog |
PowerShell is a powerful tool to harness the potential of Outlook by writing
custom scripts that can automate repetitive tasks, analyze data, and
streamline your email management. This article only scratches the surface of
what is possible with PowerShell and Outlook integration. As you delve
deeper into PowerShell scripting, you'll find endless possibilities for
enhancing your productivity and efficiency in handling emails and other